Hi, I’m Douglas Peacock.

A couple of things about me are I’m a (kiwi) originally from New Zealand who now lives on the Gold Coast in Australia, and I once ran my own Successful Plumbing Business.

In 1996, my life took a change in direction, while working alone on a construction site i collapsed and when I regained consciousness I found I had gained the extraordinary ability to see energy auras and trauma or blockages in someones energy.

I’ve worked and studied all around the world in the field of Human Development and Energy Medicine. Learning from some of the top Sharman, and Teachers and spending time with the Tibetan monks. I’ve traveled around the world for many years, being guided where to go and helping countless people in all areas of life.

From elite athletes , A class actors, Multimillion dollar business owners and CEO’s, the USA undersecretary of state after 9/11 through to individuals with cancer and many other illnesses . Helping turn dysfunctional marriages or relationships around.

It doesn’t matter what area of life you find resistance or dis-ease in for me energy is energy and all areas are connected, I help you unravel or untangled the dis-ease or resistances.

The way I help people is to show you how to unleash your genius from within and show you the steps to creating the reality that you choose to live in consciously. Many people are constantly rerunning past experiences unaware of how to break the cycle.

Becoming aware of how these patterns play out is just the beginning and if you would like to know how I can help you then reach out and lets have a chat.

Book a Free Consultation you’ve got nothing to loose.

My Approach

I believe we are WHOLE and don’t need fixing. When we experience conflict in achieving what we want it is because we have some form of resistance to knowing ourselves as wholeness in that area of our life.

If you experience this, often you will find yourself dropping into a victim consciousness which takes you away from being a powerful creator connected to your superconsciousness.

I Know we are all Powerful Creators and can create what we want.

Most people are caught up in a problem thinking mindset and spend all their time trying to fix themselves or a problem.

So long as you are stuck in that kind of thinking you stay locked in the victim consciousness and will just run cycles of your dysfunction.

To create real change and actually heal yourself you must align with your superconscious and look at life through a whole new way of thinking and being.

To find out more contact me

What Do You Want To Create

When you know what your heart truly wants life becomes very enjoyable.

Many put limits on what they want because their old identity doesn’t believe its possible.

While others dream big yet struggle to ground the energy and bring their dream into reality. There is a way.

Where are You Now.

When you are clear, about how things truly are right now, you have a place to start from. Knowing this makes it possible to create a direction and momentum towards your Desired Result..